An acupuncture point, also known as an acupoint, is a specific location on the body where an acupuncturist inserts a thin needle for the purpose of treating various conditions or promoting overall health and wellbeing. These points are believed to be areas of increased sensitivity and conductivity, where Qi can be accessed and manipulated.
There are hundreds of acupuncture points on the body which are organized along specific pathways known as meridians or channels. Each point is associated with specific functions and indications and acupuncturists select points based on their knowledge of TCM theory, their assessment of the patient’s symptoms and constitution and the intended treatment goals.
Acupuncture points can be found using various methods including palpation of landmarks or measurements based on anatomical features. The location of acupuncture points can vary slightly between individuals and acupuncturists may use different techniques and levels of needle stimulation depending on the patient’s needs.
In addition to needle insertion, acupuncture points can also be stimulated using other techniques such as moxibustion (the burning of a dried herb called mugwort near the skin), acupressure (applying pressure with the fingers or other tools) and electroacupuncture (using a small electrical current to stimulate the needles).
While the exact mechanisms of action of acupuncture points are still not fully understood, research has shown that acupuncture can affect the body’s nervous, immune and endocrine systems and can promote pain relief, relaxation and other health benefits.
What is an acupuncture point?
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